Namor the Winged

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Food I will not eat: mushrooms, olives, avocados, onions, boba I freaking hate my mother when she acts like a child. As if the only way to speak to someone under twenty is to reduce your IQ to 90 and speak in an airhead tone. && mom. And my dad does that too. &^&^ dad.

I went to school to paint posters for Red Cross about AIDs Week. I succeeded in gathering the two values I came for. The first was to paint the poster. It was one of those butcher paper deals and I painted 'AIDS WEEk.' Only four people, including myself, arrived to paint. So, though they churned eight or twelve altogether, I only made one in the whole hour. That was mainly because I tried to conserve paint, though I needn't have. So, while their mass-produced ones had straight lines, even coats, and neat letters, I created a gritty, unevenly colored phrase. But I put far more thought into its individuality. My 'I' became the bar for the 'A' and my 'S' hugged the 'D.' Thus I got what I wanted: art instead of a cookie-cutter banner. A home-grown orange rose rather than a factory-farmed red rose. I initialed it to give it my final mark of ownership. In fact, if I see it taped to the fence anywhere, I will move it to another spot where it is less likely to be torn and stepped on. And, I must elate in why my experience was probably better than theirs. I believe that they were motivated by interest in the club and its community service motive. I contributed so that I wouldn't see another dreary poster. Mine is the prize beyond measure.

i'm glad you liked ur poster. maybe i'll give u my instant camera to take a pic. of it! haha and i hate all those foods too.... only add tomatos and ur set to go. // at 6:36 PM by Cubancutie716
nick the going to hell thing was a joke... // at 1:20 AM by Cubancutie716

what's wrong with mushrooms, avocados and olives? // 6/5/2004 at 10:15 PM by WellDamntheMan


p>They combine a bad taste with watery squishyness. // 6/6/2004 at 7:32 PM by Namor_the_Winged (me)

© Nicholas Prado <earlier> ^| upward |^ <later> category: