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A crash course in Nicholas Prado

I have orbited the sun twenty one times. The cycle began in June, in Pennsylvania. Within nine months, my parents had moved to California. I grew up in Tustin.

My parents and four grandparents were born in Cuba, half in La Habana. My father's parents live in West Covina. My mother's father died of a stroke. My mother's mother lives with us in Tustin. My sister, mother, and her current husband live in Tustin. My father lives in Costa Mesa. I live in both houses but most often in Tustin (79%). My parents divorced three years ago.

I graduated from Foothill High school. My sister is about to do the same (maybe). [Gap] I currently attend the Rancho Santiago community college system. I am majoring in history and will apply for transfer next semester.

Most of my hobbies involve sitting down. I admit I mostly absorb the contents of the internet. I read four webcomics daily. However, I also produce some content.

I write articles for Wikipedia calls it "a collaborative Web-based community consisting of a database of interlinked user-submitted written material." People submit fact based and experience based 'nodes.' I wrote Porn Lorem Ipsum, Case Sensitive,, September 17, 2007; The Adversary, and What would Nietzsche do? The September node is part of a daylog (communal diary). There is also a dreamlog, though I have never touched it.

I recently started contributing to my deviantart account by uploading the sketches I made during high school and middle school. These were mainly portraits and star wars inspired spaceships. Currently, I find more excuses to draw since I can use my father's scanner instead of the too public scanner in the college libraries.

When younger I was baptized and approved for (catholic) communion. My parents are barely involved religiously. My father is agnostic. My mother is more interested in a particular variant of astrology. It makes sense, Cuba is the birthplace of Santeria and one of my cousins removed is a cura for the cult. My neighbor gave me the bible of a pseudo-cult: Ayn Rand's Objectivism. Her Reason and Individualist philosophy resonated with my own. Then I found The Sovereign Individual by James Davidson and Rees-Mogg. It presents an interpretation of history focusing on the consequences of various warfare technologies and natural conditions. Throughout, I have read science fiction and was particularly inspired by Michael Savage's The Millennial Project.

© Nicholas Prado <earlier> ^| upward |^ <later> category: I am that I am