templates for java programs

// created 11 2 1

most basic

public class Nn
    public static void main( String[] args )

int, short x; (int)charCastedToInt;
float, double y; (float)intPromotedToFloat;
char z; z.toString( );
String aa; aa[ 0 ] // a char
boolean ab;
// comment follows
    multiline betwixt these

int[ ] array = new int[ size ];
string[ ][ ] grid = new String[ rows ][ columns ];
Enum Name { fields, of, the, enumm } // these can be given other fields individually too
    Name personVar = Name.fields; if ( personVar == Name.of ) action( );
Nn objectOfClassNn = new Nn( any_relevant, arguments );
    object.field; object.method( );

if ( x == y )
    action( );
else if ( condition( ) || x = 5 ) // nn OR mm, second will ALWAYS evaluate true as the assignment succeeded
    action( );
    batchProcess( );
    action( );

    action( );
while( condition( ) && !falseCondition( ) ); // and not

while ( true )
    action( );

for ( begin, condition( ), step )
    action( );

public class Nn
    private/public/[none means package scope] dType var;
    static private dType varA;

    static dType functionsCanOnly( dType callOtherStatic ) // functions or methods of the objects they create
        return callOtherStatic;

basic keyboard i/o

System.out.print( "nn" );
System.out.println( "nn" );
System.out.printf( "nn %x", varTypeX );
    %c char
    %d int decimal %o octal %x hex
    %f float %e scientific notation, %g %a hex
    %t time [look up specific formats required]
    %n line separator
    %% '%'

import java.util.Scanner; // program uses Scanner
    Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
    String courseName = input.nextLine(); // read a line of text