Namor the Winged

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(Chainsaw the Children]( Is a fundamentally sick game. Play as a hockey masked chainsawer killing clothingless rectangular people. The game is rather boring: walk around holding the A key to attack. Its violence: the people come apart and can be bounced on a running saw but it isn't worth watching more than once. 2/10

cantankerousTANK This is far better. Play a huge tank blowing up buildings, cars/tanks, and helicopters. The objective is to not hit blue buildings or cars, but that is virtually impossible. With knowledge of the ranges, a mimimum of blue buildings can be hit, but the cars smash themselves against your treads. I simply liked it for the explosions and made it to the second snow-covered level. But, it is simple repetition with minor tactics for blowing up helicopters (the rocket cannon on its way down). 7/10

Hmm. I am really pulling out internet opinions on Charity. I don't think that they will contribute more than variations of saying the patterns I identified. Tomorrow: Spanish Language AP and a discourse on imposed taxes for indian gaming.

© Nicholas Prado <earlier> ^| upward |^ <later> category: